How Laser Therapy Works for Dogs & Cats in Marinette, WI

As technology and medicine advances in the human world, there are also advances being made in the animal world. Every year, people are more interested in safer and less invasive treatments for their pets. Many are looking to holistic remedies for conditions that previously required a prescription. This could be acupuncture, making special teas, or even laser therapy. So what exactly is laser therapy for dogs? If you’ve never heard of it before, it’s actually a quite simple concept. When your pet’s body is injured, it takes a certain amount of energy and time to heal. By using a deep
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Signs That Your Dog Has Allergies in Marinette, WI

Did you know that dogs can get allergies just like we do? And they can be allergic to almost anything just like us, too! An allergy is a reaction or hypersensitivity to a particular substance. The immune system responds with the negative symptoms that many of us are used to experiencing. Allergies can be weather related, from something outdoors, or from something ingested. What Are Dog Allergies? When your dog is exposed to the allergen, their immune system becomes highly sensitive to it and over-reacts. Instead of just fighting off an infection, the immune system attacks the foreign substance. The
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Benefits of Spay and Neuter in Marinette, WI

When you bring home a new pet, there are so many things to decide. What are you going to name him? What kind of food should you buy? What leash is best? And on and on. One of the most important decisions you will make is whether or not to spay or neuter your new friend. Spaying is a procedure that females undergo to remove the ovaries and uterus. Neutering is a procedure that males undergo to remove the testicles. The goal of both procedures is to stop reproduction. They are both simple and your pet will be in and
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