Why Your Cat is Eating Litter and How to Help

If you’ve ever seen your cat eating litter from their own litterbox, you may find yourself wondering what’s causing this. It’s certainly not normal behavior for cats to eat their litter, and it’s important to get to the root reason why your cat might be doing this. Read through the information below to find out more about the most common underlying causes of cats eating their litter. After that, check out the additional info on how you can help your cat recover from the issue that is leading to this behavior and get back to his usual self in no
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When to See an Emergency Vet in Marinette, WI

Do you have a pet? Do you sometimes find yourself wondering when you should take your pet to the emergency vet? Have you had situations in the past when you’ve been uncertain as to whether or not you made the right call about this? Deciding when to take your pet to the emergency vet can be a daunting task, and sometimes you only have a few minutes to make the right decision. Because of this, it’s important to familiarize yourself with common pet emergency situations before they happen, so you’ll better know how to respond if anything goes wrong with
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Cat & Dog Boarding Preparation

For most people, getting to leave for vacation is such an exciting thing! However, for pet owners, there can be a lot of stress associated with leaving town. Where will you take your pup? What will she need? Will she be ok? The most important thing you can do is to research extensively about your options and visit each location before you make a final choice. You want to be comfortable with the facilities, staff, pricing, and with how the animals are handled. You can choose to look at boarding at a veterinary clinic or at a doggy daycare facility
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